Treasure Quest Treasures Offices

Appointments by prearrangement only - call us: +27 83 366 9445

For Henry Clapton, the Metal Detecting seed was planted 1994 while travelling and exploring the USA for a full year. It was the start of a beautiful relationship. Henry bought his first metal detector from a department store in the USA while travelling. Just the thought of being able to find hidden metallic objects underground with this awesome machine was incredible. It was a basic plastic clad little detector but it did the job. His biggest problem he encountered many years later was the lack of good treasure hunting equipment locally. 

Every treasure hunter he met along the way all had their own digging tools made by a friend of a friend who owned an engineering shop. There was nothing local and dedicated. It was a struggle to get good equipment and importing was proving to be costly.

This lack of equipment was the start of Treasure Quest Treasures. The company was founded in 2014 by Henry Clapton and Angelique Adcock, his wife and business partner. Together they have gone through the trials and errors of the manufacturing processes, painstakingly prototyping and testing the equipment designs until perfection. It’s an ongoing task and it never stops. They are constantly refining the products to meet the customer’s needs. Today Treasure Quest Treasures is a local South African supplier and global exporter of treasure hunting equipment and we pride ourselves with superb quality and service.